Join us and build a new era of Open Banking in Portugal.
To empower your business and create new opportunities. Best Bank provides its APIs so you can develop applications intuitively, easily and securely.
More Clients
Grow your business and conquer more clients.
Greater security
Reinforce the security levels with a platform of high confidence and accessible to all companies and businesses.
Collaboration and Sharing
Empower your business through collaboration and service sharing.
High quality
It's quick. Sign up and start working with Best Open Banking API.
Friendly Experience
It's easy. In Best Open Banking API you will find all the updated information, with detailed instructions to register in the testing area and start developing.
Functional Environment
It's secure. Safely test with our Sandbox, get notifications, track API activity time, follow the analytics, and much more.
What is a sandbox?
Sandbox is a testing area that allows you to use virtual banking data through an API, without having to access or modify the actual data. At Best Bank we provide to developers a Sandbox to freely test all the features developed for Open Banking.
What is an API?
API (Application Programming Interface) is an application that allows the access to virtual data (Sandbox) and the real data of the Clients. According to a requirements standard, the API controls how one software communicates with another.
How to obtain an Access Key?
The Access Key it’s a mandatory key to perform all bank operations, such as consulting balances and movements. To obtain an Access Key, we must follow the OAth protocol authorization flow. In our documentation there is this following tutorial with the complete information of all the necessary steps. However, in summary, the authorization flow is divided into three steps:
Get the user's authentication URL for Banco Best.
After the user logs in, get the temporary code.
With this temporary code, get the Access Token.
Do I need to have a Best Bank account to test the API?
No. If you test your application in a Sandbox environment, you have the possibility to create a testing virtual bank account. This account is linked to your Sandbox account and simulates a banking environment. Tests such as transfers and payments will only occur between virtual bank accounts in the Sandbox environment.
How to migrate your application to production?
In order to migrate your application to production, it's necessary to request Best Bank authorization. After your login, on My APPs page, there is a document explaining the whole process from creating an app to production. However, in summary, to migrate your application you should follow two steps, first you need to change the Environment of your application to Production Request and the final step is to send an email to Best Bank asking to analyse your request. Once your request is reviewed, you will receive an email informing you of Best Bank decision.
Sign up
Create an account, register an APP and connect to an API.
Try our Sandbox and test the various APIs you have at your disposal.
Request deployment to production, publish, and start using.